
Effect of Greenhouse Light Transmissivity and Plant Density on Cucumber Production

​​​ Background

In a greenhouse, a favorable climate is realized to have sunlight converted to fresh vegetable crops. In general, the more light a crop receives, the more product can be grown. Then, additional light will hardly lead to additional production and the detrimental effects of Estidamah 2 of 33 a higher light entrance become dominant. The detrimental effects of high light transmissivity are too high temperatures and/or a high water demand for cooling.

​Experimental History

  • ​Seed Sowing: 8 March 2017
  • Transplanting: 26 March 2017
  • First Harvest: 10 April 2017
  • Harvesting Period: 10 April – 9 July (13 weeks)
  • Number of Harvests: 37


This project aims at finding the trade-off between using an insulating polycarbonate cover

that reduces the heat and light entrance and a highly transparent glass greenhouse.

The main factors studied are:

  • Two greenhouse types: a glass and a multi-wall polycarbonate covered greenhouse the glass greenhouse has an average transmissivity of 60% and the multi-wall polycarbonate greenhouse has a 35% average transmissivity
  • Two cucumber varieties: Khassib and Alfrid (Rijk Zwaan)
  • Two stem densities: 3.75 stems/m² (low density) and 5 stems/m² (high density)
Result overview

Low light transmitting greenhouse gave a 37% lower cucumber production than the high light-transmitting glass greenhouse.

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Production (kg/m²) St. deviation (4 plots)
Khassib low stem density 9.47 0.88
Khassib low stem density 10.22 0.59
Khassib high stem density 8.66 0.82
Alfrid low stem density 8.49 0.54
Polycarbonate Greenhouse Production (kg/m²) St. deviation (4 plots)
Khassib low stem density 14.50 0.63
Khassib high stem density 16.12​ 1.15
Alfrid low stem density 13.26 0.96
Alfrid high stem density 8.49 0.87

Low light-transmitting greenhouse used 9% less water for cooling, but as the production dropped more than the water consumption, the water use efficiency of the low light-transmitting greenhouse was less than the highly transparent glass greenhouse.

From 8 April Till 9 July
Clear Glass Greenhouse Polycarbonate Greenhouse
Irrigation 321 256
Drain 78 58
Irri-drain 243 198
Cooling 476 458
Net water use 719 l/m² 656 l/m²
Yield 14.6 kg/m² 9.2 kg/m²
WUE 49 l/kg 72 l/kg


  • As long as the temperature can be well controlled (which is the case in the dry arid climate conditions in the Riyadh region) high light levels are no problem for cucumber
  • The variety Khassib gives a higher production than the variety Alfrid
  • Therefore, ensuring a high light transmissivity of the greenhouse (60%) gives a better water use efficiency than using an insulating low transmission greenhouse (35%).

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