
وزارة البيئة والمياه والزراعة

Ministry of Environment Water and Agriculture

The governing body responsible for developing and applying policies that help achieve and promote sustainability of natural resources

King Saud University

King Saud University (KSU) is the key strategic partner supporting Estidamah.


The key role in developing Estidamah’s strategic plans and funding its research activities


  • Estidamah



  • National Government

  • National University



  • International Organization

  • International University



  • Private Sector


Estidamah has identified four (4) key partner group levels that are closely related to its vision and mission, including the private sectors, the national and international universities and research centers, as well as Estidamah’s internal staff

  • Internal Level: This applies to individuals employed within Estidamah.

  • National Level: This level features national universities and research centers in Saudi Arabia whose activities overlap with Estidamah’s goals and functions, as well as the national government entities that influence Estidamah.

  • International Level: This level comprises international universities and research centers that could have mutual benefits with Estidamah.

  • Private Level: This covers the private sector, including local growers, companies, and corporations that share similar agricultural sustainability objectives with Estidamah. 

Each partner’s role varies based on its engagement in and power to influence Estidamah’s efforts and operations as follows:

First: Internal Partners (Key Players)

  • Estidamah

Estidamah Board: The board of directors is responsible for organizational planning (products, services, and programs). As well, the board reviews the strategic plans and monitors the financial resources.
Estidamah Director-General: Estidamah Director-General oversees the Center’s daily operations, strategy implementation, and communication with other internal and external partners.
Researchers: Estidamah researchers propose relevant research topics and plans, design, plan, and carry out the research activities. Using the different communication tools available, they also report their research findings and outcomes to the concerned authorities for application and practical utilization.
Estidamah Logistic Support Functions: Estidamah Logistic Support Functions include: HR, communication and marketing, IT, procurement, maintenance, finance, safety, legal, and administrative activities. Estidamah Logistic Support Functions’ key responsibility is to meet all the needs of research activities and management.

Second: National Entities (Supporters)

  • National Government Entities that Influence Estidamah 

  1. Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture (MEWA)
    Estidamah research should be in line with the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture (MEWA) since MEWA is the governing body responsible for developing and applying policies that help achieve and promote sustainability of natural resources. Therefore, Estidamah reports its research results and findings to MEWA to help effectively align Estidamah’s initiatives with the national priorities.

  2. Agricultural Development Fund (ADF)
    The Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) finances the agricultural activities in Saudi by providing loans to farmers.  Estidamah communicates its research findings to ADF to help optimize its loan-granting criteria based on scientific findings.

  • National Universities  And Research Centers  

  1.  King Saud University (KSU)
    King Saud University (KSU) is the key strategic partner supporting Estidamah. In 2011, a joint agreement was signed between the Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture (MEWA) and King Saud University to establish Estidamah Center, and to have it based in KUS’s campus, Riyadh Techno Valley, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Both parties collaborate together on research and fellowship programs within Estidamah’s research focus areas that contribute towards developing and localizing sustainable agricultural technologies, as well as training university students in the field. 

Third: International Partners (Influencer / Observer)

  • International Universities  And Research Centers

  1. Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
    Widely known for its agriculture, forestry, and environmental studies programs, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is a public research university in Wageningen, The Netherlands. Estidamah has signed a joint agreement with WUR to conduct specialized research on technology-based sustainable agriculture. This union of expertise is expected to lead to scientific breakthroughs that can quickly be put into practice and be effectively incorporated into training workshops.

  • International Organization and Agencies 


Fourth: Private Sector Partners (Supporter / Observer)

Estidamah is keen to enter into partnership agreements with private companies and corporations that share similar agriculture sustainability objectives with Estidamah, including Companies and Corporations that Share Similar Agriculture Sustainability Objectives with Estidamah.

  1. SABIC
    SABIC plays a key role in developing Estidamah’s strategic plans and funding its research activities. In 2008, SABIC initiated the fund to establish the National Research and Development Center for Sustainable Agriculture (Estidamah).in 2013, SABIC was responsible for managing the design and construction activities of the Estidamah Center. In 2016, SABIC was authorized through a joint agreement with the Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture (MEWA) to operate the Estidamah Center for the first 5 years.

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