

The sustainability of greenhouse production in Saudi Arabia is facing many challenges to optimize plant growth, environmental conditions and to achieve maximum yield with minimum production cost. Therefore, Estidamah research center offers short courses in a variety of topics related to greenhouse cultivation. These courses are suitable for the majority of agricultural community members i.e. local greenhouse farmers/growers, investors, university students, extension staff, and greenhouse technicians. In the last few years, Estidamah has developed different greenhouse precious innovations and cultural practices including greenhouse new technologies, climate control, and specific cultural practices, etc. that improve yield and product quality. Therefore, Estidamah conducts these training courses to improve the skills of participants in terms of greenhouse production and up-to-date applied technologies under different greenhouses climate environments, economic and social conditions.


The goal of our training courses is to improve the capacity and knowledge of Saudi farmers and other stakeholders in terms of greenhouse cultivation and to have in-depth knowledge and long-term benefits of add-value applications concerning greenhouse production. Furthermore, other extra objectives of these training courses are to link local farmers with Estidamah activities and to become aware of farmers' problems and their needs. By the end of each training course, Estidamah shall hint/direct local growers to new technologies, approbate cultural practices and possible solutions to overcome their production problems based on solid scientific background.


  • Greenhouse Standards and Climate Control (Structures, Design, New Technology, Energy use and Covering materials).

  • Modern Greenhouse Technologies.

  • Greenhouse Crop Cultural Practices and Management.

  • Soilless Cultivation.

  • Water Quality and Plant Nutrition.

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM); including Physical and Biological Control, Monitoring and Pesticide safety use.

  • Fruit Quality Standards and Marketing.

  • Vegetable Seedlings Production and Grafting.

  • Good Agricultural Practices for Greenhouse Cultivation (SAUDI GAP) and Greenhouse Hygiene Protocols.

Other Services


Contracted Research

Estidamah provides an integrated suite of contracted research services to assist our constituencies in developing, testing and adopting new technologies to effectively boost their agricultural projects.

Open Day

Estidamah open days offer a great opportunity to obtain more detailed knowledge on the Center’s work, research and projects


Estidamah consultation services cover a wide range of sustainable agriculture practices and technologies, to help our constituencies achieve better management, quality yield and high productivity.


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