Workshops are one the most common training tools where knowledge and experience are exchanged, and information on sustainable agriculture research is shared. Workshops bring together industry experts to share their views, train new colleagues or explore specialized topics researched by faculties of agriculture or agricultural research centers, handled either in academic research papers published in specialized agricultural journals and reference works, or work papers in conferences or forum on sustainable agriculture; mainly to develop agricultural crops produced using this type of agriculture.

Usually, one or two agriculture experts meet a number of individuals interested in the field or seeking to develop themselves through the information explored in workshops, as well as other training platforms provided during such workshops. Therefore, Estidamah focuses on organizing many ad hoc workshops to train its staff and develop their specialized capacity.


Importance of Workshops in Sustainable Agriculture

Workshops are effective and efficient to obtain the lacking information on sustainable agriculture; mainly with this relatively emerging field which features cutting-edge sustainable agriculture techniques new to growers who would certainly need to be practically trained on applying them. Yet, they need first to be theoretically briefed on them before practical application. At this point, workshops derive their significant importance.

Indeed, an ordinary grower, before involving in sustainable agriculture, needs to attend such ad hoc workshops to understand the concept of sustainable agriculture, identify its significance for him, the environment and the community at large. After that, he is trained on using sustainable agricultural techniques and tools. In fact, these workshops are a great source of knowledge and practice not only for ordinary growers but also for specialized fresh graduates to be practically trained on how to put their theoretical knowledge into practical application and to master the required skills and scientific tools in sustainable agriculture.

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