GreenHouse Technology

Green House Technology

The greenhouse technology program adopts different research approaches to support vegetable production in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Arid and semi-arid regions are exposed to plentiful solar radiation that theoretically offers a great potential for agricultural requirements. In the Kingdom, the average yearly sun radiation is 7.6 GJ/m2. This means having monthly maximum temperatures (39°C - 46°C) for at least 5 months a year. Consequently, relative humidity (RH) does not exceed 20%, particularly in the middle region. In this respect, modern greenhouses introduce a superlative tool to control internal climate conditions to achieve maximum yield with higher efficiency.

New growing techniques and modified greenhouse designs aim to improve production and water use efficiency. In this regard, Estidamah Research Center tests different modern technologies inside the greenhouse to maximize the production and improve the quality of vegetable crops. Therefore, the greenhouse technology program tests and adapts new technologies for application in the Kingdom. Using proper greenhouse covering materials (i.e. clear and diffuse covering) is an important technology to make maximum use of the external climate condition that improves the indoor microclimate.

Also, this technology helps enhance cooling systems to reduce water use. In addition, the program aims to settle CO2 enrichment and artificial light techniques to increase vegetable production in order to accomplish year-round production. 

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